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Naveed Somani

Reflect, Learn, and Improve, are principles that have guided me throughout my 15 years in the third sector, and so in 2020 I set up RLI Consulting to share my experience with the wider NGO community. As a specialist in monitoring, evaluation, and learning, I have worked around the world with organisations like Plan International UK, Oxford Policy Management, and the Aga Khan Development network to ensure they capture the information required to improve outcomes for impoverished and underserved communities. Having initially worked primarily on economic development programmes, more recently I have developed my expertise in human rights, working for Article 19, the Ethical Trading Initiative, and the UK’s leading rights organisation, Liberty. 


My approach to evaluation is based on the idea that data is only useful if converted to wisdom that can be used to improve project outcomes. I will work closely with you and your stakeholders to develop appropriate solutions that enable you to realise your mission and vision. Whether this be through the delivery of M&E training on a range of topics, writing grant applications that deliver on donor specifications, or delivering large scale programme evaluations, RLI Consulting is committed to helping you achieve your goals.


I have a BA in Law from the University of Oxford, and Masters in International Relations, Economic and Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies. A full list of qualifications can be found below

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